
Friday, September 29, 2017

Reading D.L.O

This term I have learning about Freak the Mighty. I had to make a google drawing and put the important part of the story in the google drawing. The important part of the story is when Killer Kane kidnapp's his own son Kevin. This story is in a book called Freak the mighty. I have been reading Freak the Mighty for 4 week's.

 I have been working hard on this google drawing. I have been trying my best to complete this google drawing. Also my class have been working hard and trying there best on there Google drawing. Hope you enjoy my Reading D.L.O...

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Partly cloud

The cloud was pink, and it was shiny, It looked like little stars shining in your face. Every time you look at the cloud It would look like you're in space. The clouds are soft when you touch it.  I always fly through the shiny clouds, also every time I fly through the clouds It would look like I’m in a beautiful place. Every time I would look at the sky it would look like the cloud is waving at you. The clouds were pretty amazing. The clouds always make this place look shinny and beautiful. I would always hang out with the cloud and talk to it. Sometimes I sleep up there with the clouds. Clouds are now my favorite things to look at.

My name is Fluffy and I’m a bird. I live in this shiny and fluffy looking cloud.  I like dropping off things that make the day happy. I order things from happy clouds. Clouds help me get things to make the day happy. Me and my friends were flying through the clouds and the clouds were really really shiny. I went to one of the clouds and touched it. When I touched it the cloud changed into a cloud person. The cloud person gave me a puppy with some call toy’s. The cloud person told me to start giving them out to kids that were in the city.

The cloud that I worked for was nice and shinny. I looked down and saw another cloud and that cloud was stormy and dark. The cloud was filled with darkness. The stormy cloud was shooting out rain and lightning. The cloud was also lonely. I went up to that cloud and said if he wanted me to work for hm. The cloud started  giving me toys and gifts to deliver to kids to make the day happy. I delivered the first thing. The first thing was a little puppy. The kids were enjoying the playing with the puppy. After that I went back to the cloud. Well I was flying to the cloud, I could see that the cloud was trying to make something. I went up to the cloud asked if he had any more presents for me to take to the amazing kids that are not having fun. The cloud had a bag in his hands, then he opened it and then something that had big spikes, started to run really fast at me. I quickly got the bag and put the spikey thing in there. After I dropped off the spiky thing, I came back with spikes on my head. After that I asked for another present. The cloud looked confused, until I told him again. The cloud turned the other way and was creating something. The cloud turned back around with a gigantic shark. “I've had enough” I said.  The poor cloud was lonely again. The poor cloud saw me with another cloud. I could hear lightning coming from the lonely cloud. When the other cloud gave me something the lonely cloud started to  cry because the cloud thinks that I’m working for that cloud. The lonely cloud was shooting out rain well he was crying. I came back to the lonely cloud with ammor. The lonely cloud was now happy. He created something else. The thing he created was a eel. The eel was kind of hurting me but it was ok. After that the cloud gave me and the eel a lovely hug. Later on the sun came up and people were having fun. Finally today is a happy day.


Zones of the ocean...

 This term I having been working on my ocean zones. I have been learning about Sunlight, Twilight and midnight. I have learnt lots and lots about the ocean zones. 

 In the sunlight zone there are Tuna fishes. Also in Twilight there are Shrimps, Sword fish and hatchet fish, and the last one Midnight zone. In midnight zone there Angler fishes, giant squids and Tripod fishes. 

I have been working hard on this ocean zone thing just for all of you's. Hope you enjoy the zones of the ocean.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Key of Tears

I was sitting by myself feeling lonely and teary, my eyes were welling up as I began to play my favourite tune. The beat of the song was sad which reminded me of 1972 when my beautiful wife died. I felt upset and disappointed that my wife was dead.

Well I was playing my piano I was imagining me back in 1939. Back in 1939 we had a War. Me and my mate were shooting the bad people. That whole time I was just talking to myself until I looked at him. My mate Jack was dead with a bullet in his head. I tried to rescue him but I was too late.

I was having a terrible, terrible, terrible life. First my amazing wife died and now my mate died. My eyes are now  filled with tears, my heart is burning and my face is drooping a little bit. I said to myself that I would die before my wife.

Well I was playing my piano, I heard the beat of the piano change\. It was a ghost that was playing it. I looked beside me and I saw what the ghost looked like the ghost was my wife, she looked at me and gave me a lovely kiss on the cheek. My heart was slowly turning into happiness. My tears were starting to dry, and the lights were starting to shine but then once I closed my eyes and looked beside me, she was gone. The lights started to go low. It wasn’t even 10 seconds, and my eyes started to be filled with tears once again.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Reading fractions.

This term I have been working on my fractions. This video is proving that I could read all of my fractions. It has only took me 2 minutes for me to get this video finished. I have worked hard on working on this video. I have learnt lots and lots from my own video. This video that I made is kind of helping me with my fractions and hope it helps you with your fractions hope you enjoy the video...

Monday, September 4, 2017

All about our Extravaganza

The past 2 weeks classroom has been working on a performance. When we were practicing our performance we got split into groups.

The groups were called We Don't Know How Lucky We Are, Six Month on a Leaky Boat, Chains  I see red, Garter Black, Slice of Heaven and How Bazaar.

The group that I was chosen in was We Don't Know How Lucky We Are. My group were working hard on this dance we have made up. In the dance my group were doing, I had to do a solo part. The solo is when I have to lip sync to when Fred Dagg talks.

My group was called We Don't Know How Lucky We Are.

On Wednesday and Thursday was when we all performed. I could tell that some people were nervous but they still performed good. What was good is that all the tickets were sold which meant that lots of people were coming to the High School Hall to watch us All about our perform.